
Advice on the following topics, for example

Tracking down wiretaps:

More and more often, mini-transmitters are being installed illegally to investigate confidential conversations and business secrets. Our technique makes it possible to track these transmitters and then remove them. We will be happy to demonstrate and explain the technical procedure to you.

Each order is unique due to different requirements. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to discuss the problems of your order with us in a personal conversation.

Product piracy:

Product piracy is already regarded as normal in many industries. By imitating products, layouts and names, millions of dollars are being spent on the industry. You need information and evidence? We investigate, observe and research. State-of-the-art technology, such as video surveillance or trace analysis (fingerprints) is also used. This is how we provide you with evidence that can be used in court.


Espionage can occur in many variants in operation. Technical interception, but often also by employees, causes immense financial damage to the affected company. The technology-oriented industries are preferred, and very often the young computer industry is also affected. We have extensive technical equipment at our disposal to check your premises for possible transmitters. In such cases, we will carry out personnel checks for you.

Immer häufiger werden illegal Minisender installiert, um vertrauliche Gespräche, sowie geschäftliche Geheimnisse auszukundschaften. Unsere Technik ermöglicht es diese Sender aufzuspüren und sie dann zu entfernen. Gern demonstrieren und erklären wir Ihnen die technische Vorgehensweise.

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